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Season Eight: Investing in Your Practice and You

Season Eight: Investing in Your Practice and You How do you invest in your practice while you’re still paying off student loan debt? In this season we will show you how to invest while still tackling the mountain of student loan debt, as well as other investment opportunities that you might not have thought of.

Episode 41: The Journey to Financial Well Being
Description: Host Dr. Ash Patel interviews Jordan Frey, MD who shares his perspective on the journey to financial well-being.
Summary: Dr. Jordan Frey, creator of the Prudent Plastic Surgeon Blog discusses how important it is to think ahead and prepare for the sunset during the dawn of your career. He shares his personal experiences, what has worked for him, and how the White Coat Investor was a great road map on his journey to financial well-being.

Episode 40: Measuring the ROI of New Technologies in Your Office
Description: Host Dr. Ash Patel discusses measuring the ROI of new technologies in your office with John Lindsey, MD who shares how adding portable ultrasound to his practice has benefits beyond monetary compensation.
Summary: Dr. John Lindsey discusses how adding portable ultrasound to his practice has led to a decrease in opioid prescriptions, a decrease in flap complications when identifying patient specific anatomy in real time, and an increase in overall patient satisfaction. Dr. Lindsey’s main use of ultrasound includes regional nerve blocks and perforator flap mapping.

COMING SOON: The ASPS University Ultrasound Course made specifically for plastic surgeons. Deep dive in performing regional nerve blocks and perforator mapping for flap procedures with portable ultrasound.

Episode 39: Real Estate: Choosing the Right Investment
Description: Host Dr. Ash Patel talks to Nathan McElroy from Marcus & Millichap about investing in real estate, whether it’s your own practice or an investment opportunity.
Summary: Nathan McElroy of Marcus & Millichap shares his expertise on the brokerage of office and medical offices. Considering purchasing a new practice location or investing in real estate? Nathan will share tips and tricks he's learned along the way, ensuring you invest wisely. Not sure what you want to invest in? We will review the various types of investment properties, macrotrends that effect the value of a property, and more!

Check out these additional resources, advisors, and commercial properties available now.

If you have additional questions please contact Nathan McElroy.
office: 919-674-1106
cell: 919-805-6204

Episode 38: How I Financed My Private Practice Without a Loan
Description: Host Dr. Ash Patel interviews John Apostolides, MD on how he managed to finance his private practice without taking out more loans.
Summary: Dr. John Apostolides shares his tips and tricks on how to finance your private practice without taking out additional loans. He reveals his strategy for making sure he was fiscally prepared for the first year of solo practice and over time how he was able to build his client base and services offered.

Availability: On-Demand
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered

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