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Season Ten: Building Your Digital Presence

Season Ten: Building Your Digital Presence

As a plastic surgeon you spend countless hours in rotation and preparing for your boards, but did you learn about once you’ve achieved your title how to build your digital presence? This season will cover the in’s and out’s of handling online reviews, optimizing your digital presence and evolving your marketing to keep with the times. As important as building your digital presence is, your patient’s privacy comes first, we’ll discuss ethics in social media and how to avoid costly slipups.

Episode 49: Digital Presence Optimization

Description: Host Dr. Renee Burke discusses how to build your digital presence with special guest Ryan Miller, Founder and CEO of Etna interactive.

Summary: Ryan Miller, Founder and CEO of Etna interactive explains the meaning of digital presence optimization and how this effects plastic surgeons and their practices. He’ll delve into search engine optimization as well as the various other channels of marketing to invest in to target your ideal patient base and the importance of your website being ADA compliant.

Episode 48: Ethics in Social Media

Description: Host Dr. Renee Burke tackles ethics in social media with Dr. Christian Vercler and Dr. Anu Bajaj.

Summary: Dr. Christian Vercler and Dr. Anu Bajaj tackle the topic of Ethics in social media. They'll discuss ASPS Code of Ethics, as well as regulations put forth by the FTC and FSMB on ethical social media practices and what to do if you witness a fellow plastic surgeon crossing the lines of ethical behavior on social media.

View additional resources for Ethics in Social Media Here.


Episode 47: How to Evolve Your Marketing for 2021

Description: Host Dr. Renee Burke interviews Dr. Smita Ramanadham and Dr. Ashley Amalfi about the success of their Instagram live creation Lipstick & Lipo.

Summary: Dr. Smita Ramanadham and Dr. Ashley Amalfi share their experience as hosts of the video blog Lipstick & Lipo – a project they started together during 2020 quarantine. They reflect on the importance of creating material that is educating their listeners and how the topics evolve with each episode depending on what’s the hot topic in the office that week. Whether it’s a podcast or your social media, getting out there will only help you serve your patients better, but it’s important to stick with what you are comfortable with and to just be yourself.

Check out this free resource on how to create your very own podcast!


Episode 46: Management of Online Reviews

Description: Host Dr. Renee Burke talks with Dr. Dustin Reid and Marie Olesen, CEO La Jolla Cosmetic, founder of Inform and Enhance Software, and founder of Real Patient Ratings, about the tough topic of managing online reviews.

Summary: Dr. Dustin Reid and Marie Olesen recall some of their first less than stellar reviews. They’ll delve into how to respond to negative feedback and discuss why future clients may read your responses to negative feedback. Most times poor online reviews can be fixed with a simple phone call to the patient to figure out what went wrong and personally determine how things can be mended. In addition, they’ll recap howsix health system executives discuss how their health system handles negative reviews.

Availability: On-Demand
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No Credit Offered

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